Women's Fertility Benefits of CoQ10

CoQ10 a powerful antioxidant for fertility - plate with fried egg and spring onions displayed as spermatozoids

CoQ10: A Powerful Antioxidant for Fertility

Coenzyme Q10 (CoQ10) is a powerful antioxidant that plays a vital role in cell energy production. It is found in all cells of the body, but levels decline with age. This is especially true in women's eggs, where CoQ10 levels can drop by as much as 50% by the time a woman reaches her 40s.

In recent years, the buzz around CoQ10 and its potential to enhance fertility has grown significantly. But what makes CoQ10 so special, and why is it being hailed as a game-changer for those on their journey to parenthood?

CoQ10: A Powerhouse for Egg Health

CoQ10 isn't just any supplement; it's a pivotal component for energy production within our cells. Here's what makes it invaluable for fertility:

  • Egg Vitality: CoQ10 promotes healthier eggs, ensuring they have the vitality required for a successful pregnancy.

  • Embryo Quality: With CoQ10, embryos have a higher chance of being of optimal quality, paving the way for a healthier baby.

  • Chromosomal Health: A critical aspect of embryo development is the normal replication of chromosomes. CoQ10 plays a role in preventing chromosomal defects, ensuring a smoother journey from fertilization to implantation.

  • Increases successful pregnancies

CoQ10 is a source of energy for the eggs, supporting both egg maturation and embryo quality. The energy contained within the egg supports embryo growth for the first 7 – 10 days of life, from the moment of fertilization through implantation. This energy drives embryo development, including the normal replication of chromosomes that results in a healthy baby.

Why take CoQ10 supplements?

CoQ10 plays a critical role in energy production within the cells, yet the natural presence of CoQ10 in the body decreases after age 20.  Research shows CoQ10 supplementation positively impacts pregnancy success, especially in women over the age of 35.

Taking extra CoQ10 is particularly helpful in situations where the quality of the eggs may already be compromised, including:

·       Diminished ovarian reserve

·       PCOS (polycystic ovarian syndrome)

·       Endometriosis

Best sources of CoQ10

While our bodies do make CoQ10, natural production decreases with age. CoQ10 is available in food from sources like fatty fish, organ meats and whole grains. However, the amount of CoQ10 reasonably sourced from food is often insufficient to maintain optimal levels in the body for fertility.  Supplements can provide the levels needed to promote fertility and healthy pregnancy.

While there are many forms of CoQ10 available, only a few are easy for the body to absorb. CoQ10 is fat soluble, and the best absorbed CoQ10 has been manufactured into tiny droplets, or “micronised,” to increase surface area for the best absorption.  When researching which CoQ10 product to purchase, you want to find one that is micronised and easy for the body to absorb.

-> Seek out "micronized" forms of CoQ10 as they increase the surface area, ensuring optimal absorption.

How long do you need to take supplements?

Any time is a good time to start.  Eggs take 3 – 4 months to mature prior to ovulation, and the best results from taking CoQ10 start to show up after supplementing for 3 – 4 months.

The good news is that CoQ10 is supporting the health of all the cells in your body, not only your eggs. And these benefits continue to increase over time.  Once you start taking CoQ10, you’ll want to keep taking it until you become pregnant, at which time you may reduce the dosage or discontinue use.


Incorporating CoQ10 into your fertility regimen can be a promising step. While it primarily boosts egg health and embryo quality, it's also a wellness enhancer for your overall health. As always, consult with your healthcare professional before starting any supplement.


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