What to Expect at an Acupuncture Appointment

Introduction to Your Initial Visit

Embarking on your acupuncture journey can be both familiar and unfamiliar. For many, there is a nervous, excitement and an apprehensiveness about what to expect.

This blog explains your initial consult with Integrative Acupuncture. I focus on a holistic and patient-centred approach, allowing us to address what health issues and concerns are presenting, and then to make a treatment plan going forward.

The intake forms are detailed, and cover everything from specific ailments to overall well-being. We are trying to create a picture of your health- mental, physical and emotional. I am trying to piece together how your body manages and copes with stress and pain, and whether either affects your sleep or digestion. In Traditional Chinese Medicine, many of these patterns are linked and inter-related.

At your initial visit, we do an extensive intake.
Basically, we talk. I have a gazillion questions I can ask, but I start by giving you a moment to tell me what has been going on with you. I let you tell me., and then we clarify what you are hoping to get from our sessions together.

The Importance of Listening in Healthcare

The #1 reason why doctors are sued in the USA is not because they make mistakes. We, as humans, understand that people make mistakes. But when your doctor doesn’t listen to you, doesn’t give you a chance to share your experience, to share how you feel AND then he/she makes a mistake, we seem to find that unforgivable.
Most people who seek alternative therapies are doing it because they are looking for a different experience from the Western medical model. They are asking to be seen and heard.

Preparing for Your Appointment: The Intake Form

Before your appointment, all patients are emailed an online intake form. This is extensive, with questions about your specific ailments and then about your overall, general health and well-being. There are questions about family history and then past health concerns. Chinese Medicine is about patterns, so we are looking to link and associate symptoms that might be obvious (itchy eyes during allergy seasons) with less obvious (headaches before your menstrual cycle).

The intake, combined with the physical diagnostic markers used in Chinese Medicine, like palpation, taking your pulse and looking at your tongue, help me piece together a diagnosis. The diagnosis is what determines the treatment protocol.

The Principles of Acupuncture: Qi and Energy Flow

Acupuncture is an energetic practice that is about moving qi. Qi is our vital life force. It flows through our bodies in an intangible form on pathways called meridians. The whole pretence of this four-thousand-year-old tradition of acupuncture is that the free-flow and movement of qi is imperative for health and longevity.

What to Wear and Treatment Comfort

It is recommended to wear comfortable clothes. Many acupuncture points are accessible from the elbows to the fingers and from the knees to the toes. So, pushing up pants and pulling up sleeves is usually the best way to make sure that people are both comfortable and that there is no fabric by the needles. If there are points on the stomach or back, the patient is draped, allowing access to the points while the patient is covered. Treatments are usually with patients lying on her/his back or face down in the face cradle. If pregnant, it is common for the woman to be on her side. Ideally, people are as comfortable as possible.

The Acupuncture Experience: Needle Sensation and Comfort

Most acupuncture needles are finer than a single strand of hair. There can be a sensation when the needle is inserted, but you won't feel many of the points. If there is any pain or discomfort, the needle is removed. Most discomfort is just with insertion and that goes away almost immediately.
Once the needles are all in, we get to the nice part. The room is cool, dark and comfortable. The body is guided into relaxation by the surroundings, particularly the music which is intentionally used to drop brainwaves into theta (the level when we are in early sleep).
Patients get between 25-35 minutes to rest. This rest can be one of the most important health practices we have access to… which we don’t consistently do. Allowing the body to drop into a calm, restorative space in the middle of the day supports our ability to do that better at night when sleeping. It also allows and facilitates healing to occur at that moment- the needles are directing our body to relax, digest better, process inflammation, and address pain levels.

Observing the Effects Post-Treatment & Treatment Protocols

When patients get off the table and continue with the day, it is recommended to check-in and see how you feel. Acupuncture can be subtle. There is a gentleness to the practice.
It can also be dramatic, depending on the issue. For example, pain levels can quickly and noticeably decrease after treatment. For some people, they may not notice anything immediately, but then they have this calm and ease that can last for a nice stretch of time. In some cases, patients feel much better the next day when they wake-up.

Treatment protocols are always based on individual presentations. It is normal to expect to come weekly for 4-6 weeks. The initial treatments are closer together and more succinct to address symptoms and then a more spaced-out protocol to keep symptoms away.

Fertility acupuncture has a weekly protocol that is tailored and individualised around whatever fertility protocols you are using. Pregnancy acupuncture support is usually weekly in the first trimester and then nearing the end to prep for birth.


Yay you for starting your acupuncture journey and working towards improved health and well-being. Whether you're seeking relief from chronic conditions, exploring fertility support, or looking for a natural approach to wellness, acupuncture offers a time-tested solution.

We're here to guide and support you every step of the way. Connect with us to begin your journey towards optimal health and well-being.

🌟 Contact Us Today and take the first step towards a healthier, more balanced you.

Let your journey to wellness begin with Integrative Acupuncture.


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