Paediatric Chinese Medicine
Acupuncture or acupressure treatments for infants, children & teenagers from 0 to 18 years old.
Acupuncture For Kids & Teens, Auckland
Hibiscus Coast, Rodney Area + North Shore
Paediatric Traditional Chinese Medicine primarily uses "Shoni Shin," a non-invasive, specialised form of treatment for infants, children and teenagers or acupressure - Tuina Massage (Chinese massage). These technics offer a more integrative approach to children's health from babies up to 18 years old. Teething, digestive issues, reflux, night terrors, rashes & eczema, ear infection, etc. while also preventing future illnesses by stimulating the immune system.
Paediatric Acupuncture
The beauty of working with children is how amazingly responsive they are.
They are both more sensitive and respond quicker with lighter stimulation than adults. Primarily, we use "Shoni Shin," a non-invasive, specialised form of treatment for infants and children. Shoni Shin directly translates as "children's needle" and was developed in Japan in the mid-1700s in the Osaka region.
It involves light scraping of the skin along the meridians using a smooth-edged tool. The skin is not punctured.
Treatments can also include massage, herbal and nutritional recommendations, and in some cases, very light acupuncture.
The common symptoms treated with acupuncture for children:
Recurrent Colds & Flus
Cough, Asthma & Allergies
Digestive Complaints, Colic
Ear Infections
Skin Rashes- Eczema
Concentration & ADHD
Night Terrors
Stress & Anxiety
Weak Constitution
Diagnosis of Failure to Thrive
Acupuncture for children’s health becomes the ideal tool that can stimulate the immune system while relaxing the nervous system and regulating both, the digestive and hormonal systems.
How Can Chinese Medicine Help Children?
Paediatric acupuncture can help with a wide range of ailments.
The most common treatments parents ask for acupuncture treatments are usually around skin conditions like eczema or rashes as well as digestive issues - particularly for newborns and infants.
“In recent years, acupuncture has increasingly been integrated into pediatric health care. It was used on ~150,000 children (0.2%) and provided as a part of services in one-third of pediatric pain centers in the United States. Acupuncture in children has been widely used for asthma, autism spectrum disorder (ASD), cerebral palsy, and complications of cancer”
However, in Traditional Chinese Medicine, acupuncture or acupressure has been used for many illnesses and oftentimes, as a preventive technic.
Imbalances and diseases develop differently in children than in adults. It is important to recognise their natural ability to recover when their body is back to their natural healthy state.
From our experience, it is always fascinating to see how well children and teens respond and resonate with the theories of acupuncture and Chinese herbal medicine.

Your Paediatric Drug-Free Alternative
“Shonishin: The Art of Non-Invasive Paediatric Acupuncture”
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Still unsure if acupuncture for babies, kids and teens’ health issues is for you? Let’s see how we can help.

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Don’t hesitate to contact me if you’ve got more questions to ask beforehand: megan@integrativeacupuncture.co.nz