Acupuncture for Female & Male Fertility Assistance

Whether you hope to conceive naturally or if you plan to pursue IUI/IVF treatments.

Acupuncture For Fertility, Auckland

Whangaparaoa (Hibiscus Coast) + Northcote (North Shore)

Whether you hope to conceive naturally or if you plan to pursue IUI/IVF treatments, acupuncture can support your path to parenthood by increasing your chances of getting and staying pregnant. From helping you calculate your ovulation to supporting with male infertility issues such as low sperm count, we want to assist and nourish your path to pregnancy.

female reproductive system-acupuncture for fertility

Trying to Conceive

A little biology to summarize what is happening for women each month with their menstrual cycle. 

Women are born with approximately 2 million eggs. Each month, at the beginning of your menstrual cycle, your body produces hormones that promote follicles to mature.

Ovulation occurs when the mature follicle pops out of the ovaries and travels down the fallopian tubes to the uterus. Using an ovulation predictor kit (OPK) identifies when you ovulate by detecting a luteinizing hormone (LH) surge. This surge occurs within a specific time period before ovulation and marks the ideal timing for intercourse.

Conception occurs when sperm and egg connect in the uterus, and progesterone levels elevate in the body to thicken the lining of the uterus to prepare for implantation. Two weeks after conception, there is a detectable amount of HSG in your bloodstream and you test positive for being pregnant. Each day for the next 40 weeks-ish, your body is optimally supporting the baby’s development as well as your own health.

There are multiple variables in this process, which all need to coincide and work in harmony for this to be successful. This is what makes the act of conception so miraculous. For the 15% of couples who struggle to conceive, a key component is identifying vulnerabilities or if/where this process breaks down.

Chinese medicine remedies and tools

How Can Chinese Medicine Support Fertility?

Chinese Medicine is an effective and complementary modality to support fertility.

We work within the parameters of the menstrual cycle for women. For example, acupuncture and herbs can support the follicular phase with treatments specifically to promote ovulation.

Additionally, there are treatments to help your body more effectively utilize progesterone in the luteal phase and to support your early pregnancy. 

As for men, who for the most part of male infertility issues are related to poor sperm quality, we work by improving the blood flow to testis which can enhance the microcirculation, lowering the scrotal temperature and stimulating the production of hormones such as testosterone.

Together we create and implement a plan that individually supports how you want to approach this journey, addressing both the physical and emotional, the conventional and the alternative.

Some Conditions That Fertility
Acupuncture Can Support


Hormone Imbalances


Low Sperm Count




Irregular Menstrual Cycles

Uterine Fibroids


Abnormal Sperm Mobility




Premature Ovarian Failure

Polycystic Ovarian Syndrome


Low Testosterone Levels


IUI and IVF enhancement


Luteal Phase Defect

Recurrent Miscarriage


Erectile Dysfunction


Egg Quality Issues



An Individualised Approach to Fertility

Get in touch.

Still unsure if acupuncture for fertility is for you? Let’s see how we can help.

Natural Conception

Chinese Medicine believes the health of the baby is determined by the health of sperm and egg at the time of conception. This is similar to the Western concept of genetics in the sense that you pass on your health to your children.

However, the emphasis is less on chromosomes and more on the actual quality of male and female’s health at the time of conception. By these standards, you being in your best health is giving your child the best health possible.

Another factor, particularly for women, is that the journey to parenthood including conception and pregnancy can be very taxing. We want you to be strong, to build you up and prepare you for the upcoming months. The term natural conception refers to NOT using any fertility medicines or procedures.

We start by reviewing your cycle. The most important date of the month is the day that you ovulate. We need to confirm that you 1) are actually ovulating and 2) that you are having timed intercourse (TIC) at the correct/best time in your cycle to conceive.

From this place, we can start to gather data and get a clearer picture of what your menstrual cycle looks like, and if there are any areas that need support. Then we can create an individualised plan and structure your cycle around diet, lifestyle, exercise, herbs, and supplements.


5 Simple Changes to Improve Your Fertility

Making dramatic changes to your diet can be difficult to do and even harder to sustain for any significant length of time.  However, it doesn’t take much to make a difference. Here are 5 simple recommendations that can help to improve your fertility success:    

  • Boost omega-3 fats with oily fish such as salmon, mackerel, trout, herring and sardines. These essential fats are crucial for healthy hormone function.

  • Swap white rice and white bread for whole grain bread and brown rice to increase B vitamins.  B vitamins are important for the development of sex hormones

  • Swap caffeinated tea, coffee and other drinks for non-caffeinated alternatives to help balance stress and sex hormones.  Numerous studies have shown that caffeine decreases fertility.

  • Limit salt- increase nuts and seeds to boost zinc levels. Zinc is important for both male and female fertility and is an essential component of genetic material and is found in high concentrations in the sperm.

  • Find alcohol-free alternatives to your usual glass of wine or beer.  Alcohol affects both male and female fertility; the more you drink the less likely you are to conceive. 

IVF treatment boosted with fertility acupuncture

IVF & IUI Acupuncture Support

In 2002 The Paulus Study exceeded expectations by both western fertility specialists and acupuncturists. 

160 women undergoing IVF were divided into 2 groups, 1 group received acupuncture immediately before and after their IVF transfer; and the other group received no acupuncture. Clinical pregnancies were documented in 34 of 80 patients (42.5%) in the acupuncture group, whereas the pregnancy rate was only 26.3% (21 out of 80 patients) in the control group.

It is this study that propelled acupuncture into modern, western fertility treatments and practice.

Fertility, particularly with IVF and IUI, can feel like one statistic after another. It is very important to acknowledge that you are more than a simple statistic. We are doing everything and anything to up the odds and increase your chances with individualised treatment and care.

Below summarises the standard protocols for applying acupuncture to IVF and IUI. However, as always with Chinese Medicine, this recommended protocol can be adapted to your best treatment regime.

IVF Support

  • Two acupuncture treatments the week leading up to your retrieval to enhance circulation to the follicles and enhance your response to the medications.

  • An acupuncture treatment in between retrieval and transfer to assist with any trauma from the retrieval, creating balance for the transfer and implantation

  • With PGS testing, weekly acupuncture treatments following retrieval and continuing until you transfer.

  • Acupuncture treatments before and after your transfer, ideally on the same day or within a 24-hour period. 

  • An acupuncture treatment in the window of the 5th-7th day of ‘conception’, mimicking the day of ovulation, and dependent on whether it is a 3 or 5-day transfer to support implantation.  

  • If pregnant, mandatory weekly acupuncture treatments for thirteen weeks to enhance circulation, nourishment and deter miscarriage.  

IUI Support

While the IUI acupuncture protocol is significantly less studied or defined, we apply a modified version of the IVF protocol to best assist any version of your IUI procedure.

  • Acupuncture treatment the day before your IUI and the same day of your IUI.  (This results in two treatments back to back).  The first treatment works with certain meridians that are in charge of fertility, it allows circulation to be directed in the lower abdomen, which is necessary for pregnancy to occur.  The post IUI treatment promotes relaxation that assists hormones and diminishes spasms from the procedure that can inhibit implantation. 

  • 5-7 days after your IUI, to support implantation.  

  • If pregnant, mandatory weekly acupuncture treatments for thirteen weeks to enhance circulation, nourishment and deter miscarriage. 

Acupuncture for fertility IVF treatment laughing therapist

There are two very important things you can do post ovulation: 

Relax: It is essential to be as relaxed as possible. Years ago I had a fertility specialist tell me, “I’m not too sure what you acupuncturists are doing, but women are much more relaxed and less stressed after acupuncture treatments, and this is a large part of why I think they become pregnant”.

We want your treatments to be relaxing; and we want to create ways for you to feel relaxed outside of the treatment, especially during the more stressful moments within trying to conceive and in your early pregnancy. 

Laugh: Some of the best, and most lovely, advice when trying to conceive is to LAUGH!  Research has shown that around implantation (that 4-7 day window after ovulation), women who laugh have a better chance of becoming pregnant.

So in this window, find/watch/read/listen to something that you truly enjoy, brings you delight, and that makes you full-belly laugh. 

miscarriage support holding hands - acupuncture for miscarriage

Miscarriage & Recurrent Miscarriage

The first trimester is the period of greatest risk for miscarriage.

The incidence among clinical pregnancies is about 12-15%, but including early pregnancy losses, it is more like 17-22%.

That is about 1 in 7 pregnancies. It is estimated that as many as 60% of pregnancies are lost before the woman even knows she’s pregnant. Once the pregnancy reaches 12 weeks the chance of miscarriage decreases to 5%. Although the cause of miscarriage is often unknown, the most viable explanation in western medicine is chromosomal abnormalities. There is a high correlation between maternal/paternal age and risks of miscarriage. Additionally, miscarriages are more common in those who have suffered previous miscarriages.

Acupuncture has been used to prevent and treat miscarriage for thousands of years. Whether you have a history of miscarriage, are newly pregnant and worried, or have begun bleeding while pregnant acupuncture and Chinese Medicine can provide support. Treatment plans usually revolve around acupuncture, moxa, herbs and supplements.

Support and care are invaluable at this time.

Male Fertility Factors

The belief in Chinese Medicine is that the QI (described as vital life force) of the female and male, at the time of conception, determines the QI passed on to the baby. Applying this to modern fertility practices, we strive for both male and female counterparts to be at optimum health when trying to conceive.

Many couples find it valuable and supportive to work together to make changes in diet and lifestyle that are beneficial to promoting fertility.

Additionally, the journey of trying to conceive and carrying a baby to full term is emotionally stressful and isolating for many couples. It can be challenging to know how to best support yourself and your partner.

For men, much of the information and research out there is not as available and accessible compared to the resources directed towards women. However, many of these recommendations are straightforward, easily applicable and warrant great results.

Studies show that 30% of infertility is related to male factor problems. This % seems to increase every year.

Sperm count can decrease if the scrotal temperature increases even by 1 degree. Also, newer evidence shows that our beloved tech devices (cell phones, laptops, iPads) are decreasing both sperm count and motility. An Argentinian study published in Fertility & Sterility found that electromagnetic frequencies, such as WIFI, reduce sperm count and motility after only 4 hours of exposure.


MALE Infertility Common Factors:

  • Scarring 

  • Undescended testes 

  • Varicocele 

  • Vasectomy 

  • Hormonal Imbalances

  • Infection and Disease

  • Age and declining sperm quality

  • Unhealthy diet 

  • Drugs, Cigarettes, Alcohol

  • Obesity 

Fertility Suggestions and Recommendations Beneficial to Men:

  • DO NOT carry cell phones in pants pockets

  • DO NOT use/place a laptop directly in your lap

  • Eliminate/reduce sugar

  • Avoid excessive alcohol consumption, particularly beer

  • Stop smoking of any kind

  • Avoid hot tubs, saunas and extremely hot showers

  • Eliminate/reduce bike riding, particularly long distance

  • Avoid/limit decongestants and antihistamines

Acupuncture for Male fertility-infertility - couple cuddling

Improving Sperm Health

There is a correlation with STRESS. Reduce your exposure to stress or find new, effective ways of dealing with the stresses you are faced with each day.

Sperm production is driven by the male hormone testosterone. Being exposed to long-term stress can result in adrenal exhaustion, this can suppress testosterone production and result in reduced sperm quantity and quality.

There are many nutritional factors that influence sperm production. Studies have linked both omega-3 fatty acids and zinc deficiencies to low sperm count. Zinc is needed for healthy testosterone production.

The protein L-arginine has also been shown to be involved with sperm cell production. CoQ10, a powerful antioxidant involved in cellular metabolism, has been shown to increase sperm count and motility and Vitamin C protects sperm from toxic damage and decay whilst actively preventing agglutination or clumping, a condition where sperm cells literally stick to each other.

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