Postnatal Care

Postpartum acupuncture can be a safe and effective practice to heal the body regardless of the type of labour.

Acupuncture For Postnatal Care, Auckland

Whangaparaoa (Hibiscus Coast) + Northcote (North Shore)

Whatever the type of childbirth you had, some postnatal conditions that acupuncture can assist with are fatigue, postnatal depletion and depression, mastitis or insufficient lactation, abdominal cramps, constipation, haemorrhoids and perineal healing.

acupuncture for postnatal care mum with newborn


The acupuncture treatments available postpartum are:

  • Insufficient Lactation 

  • Mastitis 

  • Abdominal cramping & pain 

  • Constipation

  • Stops bleeding

  • Hormone balancing 

  • Haemorrhoids 

  • Irregular sweating 

  • Low energy 

Postpartum Depression & Anxiety

As depression and anxiety become more recognised, with increasing numbers of women seeking out treatment and care, there has been more attention towards safe and effective treatment options for pregnant women.

The two studies below show promise for the treatment of depression and anxiety in pregnancy with acupuncture. Additionally, both studies demonstrate the importance of individualised care and treatment, the safety of acupuncture in pregnancy, and the positive responses from women who received care.

Women’s experiences of having depression during pregnancy and receiving acupuncture treatment - A qualitative study
Simone M. Ormsby, Hannah G. Dahlen, Caroline A. Smith

Acupuncture for depression during pregnancy: a randomized control trial.
Manber R, Schnyer RN, Lyell D, Chambers AS, Caughery AB, Druzin M, Carlylr E, Celio C, Gress JL, Huang MI, Kalista T, Martin-Okada R, Allen JJ

acupuncture to heal your body postpartum woman relaxing

How Can Chinese Medicine Help Postpartum?

Childbirth - one unique and unforgettable experience for most women.

Whether you had a vaginal birth, a Cesarean, a vaginal birth after C-Section (VBAC) some factors may have interfered with the positive aspects of mother-child interactions such as the exhausting process that childbirth represents for the body, postpartum physical uncomfortable conditions, breastfeeding stress, lifestyle changes or relationship dynamic changes.

Most women will experience for a period of time fluctuating moods postpartum.

Due to the non-invasive and drug-free aspect of Traditional Chinese Medicine, TCM for postnatal care has grown in popularity in birthing centres across the world as a safer alternative to medication.

A study points outTraditional Chinese medicine (TCM), which includes Chinese herbal medicine (CHM), acupuncture, and manipulative therapies has been used for depressive disorders for more than 5000 years and now has extensive scientific evidence supporting its efficacy.

TCM and postnatal traditions are numerous and rich in Eastern cultures.

Zou Yuezhi - ‘doing the month’ represents 40 days of rest and recovery time postpartum in Chinese culture. The emphasis is on the mother’s recovery, unlike here in the west where it is on the baby. It is regarded as essential for the family as much as for society that women are given rest following the strenuous pregnancy months and labour.

Fundamentally it is a sacred period in a woman’s health, for her baby, her family and her whole community.

There are various ways Postnatal Acupuncture Treatments can help:


Postnatal depletion and fatigue



Postpartum vaginal discharge


Insufficient or excessive lactation

Postnatal depression & anxiety


Perineal healing or post-operative recovery

Maternal Care For You

The woman plays the key role in this ashrama (family life). Hence the health of the woman should be protected by all means. If the woman is protected, in turn she will protect the whole community.
— Ashtanga Sangraha, ancient Ayurvedic text

Get in touch.

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