Endometriosis & PCOS

Acupuncture and herbal treatments for endometriosis, PCOS and other hormonal ailments have proven remarkable results.

Acupuncture for Endometriosis & PCOS, Auckland

Whangaparaoa (Hibiscus Coast) + Northcote (North Shore)

Chinese Medicine can help a wide range of gynaecological disorders. Balancing and stabilising hormones can regulate menstrual cycles and provide relief from menstrual symptoms.


Endometriosis is defined by the presence of endometrial tissue outside the uterus.

This can occur almost anywhere in the pelvic area - the outer wall of the uterus, ovaries, fallopian tubes, pelvic wall. Unlike actual endometrium, endometriosis tissue has no way to get out of the body when it breaks down. The body detects endometrial cells in the wrong place and mounts an inflammatory response to protect itself, attacking ALL endometrial tissue.

Endometrial tissue can display differently and have different behaviours. It also presents various symptoms and physiological challenges. For example, brown or pigmented endometriosis typically shows small dark spots. This is the trapped blood from endometrial tissue that has nowhere to go.

Commonly this presentation causes PAIN. In some cases, there are cysts in the ovaries. If they are dark and brown, these are called chocolate cysts, which are filled with old menstrual blood and tissue. If the cysts are pale pink/white and non-pigmented, these are immature cysts that have not developed enough to bleed. Cysts can be very active in secreting substances that inhibit conception.

Common symptoms associated with endometriosis are irregular periods, heavy bleeding, intense pain and cramping, painful bowel movement at menses, low back pain and chronic pelvic pain. An underlying concern with all cases and presentations is infertility.

How Can Endometriosis Affect Fertility?

5% of women with endometriosis have it located in inconvenient areas- fallopian tubes/ovaries which can prevent successful implantation and full-term pregnancy.

Macrophages are attracted to the out-of-place endometrial tissue and eat up cellular debris/foreign matter, which can include picking off potential inseminating sperm. Macrophages also produce cytokines, which are toxic to sperm and embryos, providing another obstacle for conception.

Endometrial tissue has glands that secrete mucus. Mucus coats the fimbriae or the ovary, preventing the transfer of the egg to the tube.

Endometriosis is linked to increased prostaglandins, specifically PGE2, which causes inflammation, pain and uterine contractions.

Associated with a higher incidence of ovulatory disturbance (LUFS)

Women usually have lower IVF rates because of implantation problems.

There are various ways that acupuncture, herbs, supplements, diet and lifestyle can:


Alleviate the pain of dysmenorrhoea

Reduce peripheral blood

Improves uterine receptivity


Women’s Health Focus

The core of the feminine comes directly as a ray from beyond.
You might say she is not from the manifested world at all, but the creator of it.
— Rumi

Get in touch

Still unsure if acupuncture for endometriosis or other women’s health issues is for you? Let’s see how we can help.

Chinese Medicine Protocols for Endometriosis

The recent increase of endometriosis cases have increased acupuncture treatment as an effective option to alleviate the pain and discomfort.

Numerous studies have reported that acupuncture has a distinct effect when treating the discomfort caused by endometriosis. The primary advantages include various treatment methods, simple administration, minimal adverse reactions, and having no impact on the intrauterine environment. This study aims to elucidate the role of acupuncture in treating the pain associated with endometriosis.


Boosting KID YANG in ALL treatment protocols.

Fundamentally, acupuncture needles intervene in the inflammation mechanism to calm it down. Adding the appropriate Chinese Medicine herbs as well as changes in your lifestyle and diet, results can be seen/felt.

In Western Medicine, endometriosis is rooted in a low progesterone diagnosis. We link this to the LUTEAL/YANG phase of the cycle.

The treatment protocol is to prime in the follicular phase and BUILD KIDNEY YANG in the luteal phase.  

  • MOVE BLOOD - Stagnation of blood in/around the uterus, particularly if there are masses or cysts. More aggressive treatment focus while a woman is menstruating.

  • Reduce exposure to estrogens.

  • Support the liver & improve circulation.

  • Include omega-3’s to fight inflammation.

  • Take evening primrose oil- OMEGA 6.

  • Eat fruits high in Vitamin C and bioflavonoids.

  • When menstruating- avoid strenuous exercise and aversions.

  • Use menstrual pads instead of tampons.

period protection menstruation with polyps

Endometrial polyps

If there are endometrial polyps/cysts, our recommendations are as follow:

  • To lose weight, if overweight.

  • To eat low fat, HIGH fibre, vegetarian diet is ideal while avoiding dairy.

  • To avoid SOY - especially heavy processed soy products.

  • To eat organic preferably (less chemicals or hormones in meat interfering with your endocrine system).

  • To eat plenty of cruciferous veggies - broccoli, cabbage, cauliflower, kale, Brussel sprouts. All have high content DIM (DIINDOLYLMETHANE).

  • To avoid refined/hydrogenated oils, iimit sugar, alcohol, caffeine.

  • To enjoy chocolate, but don’t eat too much!

  • To increase B Vitamins from whole foods, such as lentils, rice, bran and blackstrap molasses. Vitamin B6 particularly helps the breakdown and removal of estrogen from the body.

  • To eat artichokes.

  • To stimulate the liver by using lemon juice and including bitter greens such as dandelion/endives/radicchio. Use liver supporting herbs - dandelion root, burdock, milk thistle, turmeric.

  • To consider a month-long detox.

  • To be consistent, moderate exercise to help improve circulation.

  • To use essential oils like lavender/frankincense.

  • To apply castor oil pack to your lower abdomen 2x/day during your period. ONLY during your period. Lie down, rub castor oil over your abdomen, cover the area with plastic wrap and place a heat-pad/warn water bottle over it. Relax for 20 minutes.

  • Meditation & Yoga

Polycystic Ovary Syndrome (PCOS)

PCOS should probably be renamed. It is a condition that affects hormonal levels, commonly elevating testosterone and LH (luteinizing hormone). It no longer requires the presence of cysts in the ovaries.

Many women present with irregular cycles, possible high glucose levels, and symptoms that can be common with elevated testosterone (weight gain, facial hair, acne, hair loss).

The plan here is to stabilise hormones and to see a noticeable shift in symptoms and more regular cycles.

In Traditional Chinese Medicine the diagnosis is phlegm and damp. We use acupuncture, herbs & dietary/lifestyle recommendations to drain and resolve the phlegm and damp.

PCOS Diet Recommendations


A typical PCOS recommended diet includes:

  • High protein, around 30% with low complex-carbohydrates 20%. Then 50% is vegetables & fruits.

  • NO refined sugars

  • When you do eat complex carbohydrates, pair them with protein to stabilise blood sugar.

  • Avoid dairy - YOGURT is the exception, but only in moderation.

  • SHEEP & GOAT’s milk preferably versus COW’s milk for dairy


  • Natural diuretics: BARLEY & GREEN TEA

  • kale, spinach, and other dark, leafy greens

  • high-fibre foods

Lots to avoid- listed below:

  • AVOID RAW or COLD foods

  • AVOID hard-to-digest meals or greasy foods

  • AVOID spicy foods

  • AVOID alcohol

  • AVOID fermented foods like bread, beer, wine, vinegar, mushrooms, blue cheese

  • AVOID excess salt

  • AVOID processed foods

  • AVOID SOY/FLAX- any sources of phytoestrogens

  • AVOID YAMS- commonly prescribed for hormonal fertility

Already Know What You’re Looking For?


Book an appointment.

Select the treatment you believe will suit your needs.

Don’t hesitate to contact me if you’ve got more questions to ask beforehand: megan@integrativeacupuncture.co.nz