Integrative Acupuncture

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The Science and Art of IVF Acupuncture: Boosting Fertility Naturally

The Promise of Acupuncture in Fertility

Many individuals and couples see an acupuncturist at varying stages of their journey to parenthood.  Whether you are going through ART (Assisted Reproduction Technology) or doing it naturally, the beauty and intent of acupuncture is to balance the body and support a full term pregnancy.

The Power of Research

The 2002 Paulus Study superseded all expectation.
In this study, 160 women undergoing IVF were divided into two groups: one received acupuncture immediately before and after IVF transfer, and the other did not. The acupuncture group saw a significant increase in pregnancy rates at 42.5%, as opposed to 26.3% in the control group.

This was the first of many studies which linked fertility success to acupuncture.

A study in 2006, from the University of Maryland School of Medicine, found that women undergoing IVF treatments with acupuncture had higher live birth rates compared to those without.

In 2008, The British Medical Journal, published a systematic review and meta-analysis that corroborated the benefits of acupuncture in improving pregnancy rates among IVF patients.

Additionally, a 2017 research article from Reproductive Biomedicine Online, found that acupuncture, especially when combined with other Traditional Chinese Medicine modalities, improved endometrial receptivity. This is crucial for embryo implantation.

You're More Than A Statistic

The journey with IVF and IUI can often feel overwhelmingly data-driven. It is so important to remember that each individual is unique. While statistics provide a broader perspective, at Integrative Acupuncture, we emphasize individualized treatment and care. Throughout my career I have seen women with barely detectable AMH levels deliver beautiful, healthy babies. I have supported many women through recurrent miscarriages. I have helped couples navigate fertility options with male fertility factors. Ultimately, treatment and care is always tailored and specific to what you need.

In Conclusion

At Integrative Acupuncture, our whole-hearted belief is that conventional and alternative therapies can co-exist, and complement one another to achieve excellent results. End game is healthy baby and mom.

Wish to learn more about how acupuncture can improve your IVF outcomes? Reach out.

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