Getting pregnant: how can Chinese Medicine help?

It is becoming more common for people to delay having children.

There are many reasons women choose to wait. This may be for reasons outside of our control such as not meeting the right person until your late 30s, or not realising that you want to have a child until later.

Some are waiting for a more opportune moment professionally or financially. Some parents start and then discover that their timeframe for being able to conceive ends up taking years.

In many cases, the first pregnancy happens quickly, but subsequent pregnancies are much more difficult and challenging.

Regardless of the circumstance, age plays a critical factor in infertility. Starting a family later in life is still achievable, but it often means you need more support to be successful.

Research indicates that 1 in 8 couples have trouble getting pregnant or staying pregnant.
Those numbers increase to 1 in 3 for couples when a woman is over 35, and 1 in 2 when a woman is over 40.

A woman in her early to mid-20s has a 25–30% chance of getting pregnant every month. Fertility generally starts to reduce when a woman is in her early 30s, and more so after the age of 35. By age 40, the chance of getting pregnant in any monthly cycle is around 5%.
— Department of Health, State Government of Victoria, Australia

So, where do you turn to get support if you are hoping to conceive and carry a pregnancy through to full term when you are in your mid to late 30s or early 40s? Evidence and research show that traditional Chinese medicine can be used to boost your chances of conceiving and carrying to full term naturally. 

Whether you hope to conceive naturally, or you plan to use IUI/IVF, acupuncture, herbal supplements, diet and lifestyle can all significantly benefit and promote your path to parenthood. Together we create a treatment plan specific to your individual needs that support how you want to approach this journey.

I offer a holistic approach addressing both the physical and emotional, combining conventional and alternative strategies. I personally find it incredibly rewarding to work with couples throughout this entire process to ensure their pregnancy is as happy and healthy as it can possibly be.

How does traditional Traditional Chinese Medicine (TMC) support fertility? 

Traditional Chinese medicine provides an integral, complementary, and holistic approach to supporting fertility. This approach is designed to sync with your menstrual cycle and delivers what your body needs during the different phases of conception. 

Before ovulation (follicular phase)

During this phase, a combination of treatments is designed to support the developing ovum (unfertilised egg) and prepare the body for the release of that ovum. There is a critical window, within a 24-hour period prior to ovulation, where acupuncture and herbs can trigger the pituitary gland. This supports the body during the hormone surge that happens with ovulation.

After ovulation (luteal phase)

Treatments are delivered to help prepare the womb for pregnancy. These treatments are designed to enhance the efficacy of progesterone, which is a hormone that allows the egg to implant and supports the early weeks of pregnancy.


The focus shifts to maintaining and stabilising pregnancy. Treatments are designed to work with you all the way through to delivery, based on how your body is responding to your pregnancy.  Support is also available after delivery when needed.

Claire Thiveyrat

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