Why all athletes should get acupuncture?
ACUPUNCTURE releases muscle tightness
Muscular injuries happen when a muscle is overworked or cannot manage the demand being placed on it. Usually, the first thing we notice is muscle tightness, which is the result of muscles pulling on their attaching structure. Surrounding muscles then need to compensate for the lack of output coming from that tight muscle, so even though 1 muscle is affected, more muscles end up doing the work. Acupuncture can relieve pain and prevent future injury by treating areas of muscle constriction and releasing them.
ACUPUNCTURE reduces pain
Acupuncture is most well-known for its ability to treat pain. Studies show that acupuncture is effective for both chronic musculoskeletal and osteoarthritis pain. Additionally, studies have proven that the effects of acupuncture persist over time and cannot be explained solely in terms of placebo effects.
ACUPUNCTURE reduces inflammation & promotes circulation
Research from 2013 shows that acupuncture can reduce inflammation via several physiological pathways. Acupuncture can regulate the HPA (hypothalamus-pituitary-adrenal) axis, managing the release of cortisol and glucocorticoids, two hormones that contribute to inflammation.
Additionally, through the sympathetic and parasympathetic nervous systems, acupuncture can activate neurotransmitters that affect the inflammatory process. The final way that acupuncture has been proven to decrease inflammation and promote circulation is through the cytokine process which occurs in allergic or autoimmune conditions.
ACUPUNCTURE reduces stress/anxiety and improves focus
Numerous studies have highlighted the link between acupuncture and decreased stress levels. Additionally, there have been more recent attention to studying how acupuncture can alleviate anxiety.
When should athletes get acupuncture?
After a game or workout to release muscle tightness and reduce soreness
A couple of days before a game to release any chronic or lingering tightness or to activate weak or inhibited muscles
Before a game activate any weak or inhibited muscles, reduce anxiety and improve focus
Ongoing for any injuries or chronic pain. Acupuncture is generally recommended once or twice a week for 4-12 weeks for sports injuries. The frequency and duration depend on the injury and severity.
Ongoing for injury prevention. For high-level athletes, acupuncture should be a part of their ongoing wellness routine. Releasing any areas of constriction and muscle tightness before there is pain can help reduce the risk of injury by keeping muscles loose and activated.
Common sports injuries treated with ACUPUNCTURE
Low back pain
Upper back and neck pain
Hip pain
Knee pain
Shoulder pain
Elbow and wrist pain
Ankle and foot pain
Muscle tightness and soreness
Strains, sprains, and bruises
Inflammation from acute injuries, tendonitis, and bursitis
IT band syndrome
Plantar fasciitis
Tennis & golfer's elbow
Sports hernia
Post-surgery recovery to reduce inflammation, promote circulation, and relieve muscle tightness